Théophile Catella

Level Designer

My Professional Work.

I joined Eugen Systems in may 2021 as a level designer. Since then, I worked on Steel Division 2 and Warno.
I worked on more than 29 maps from paper level concept to in game delivery. I am responsible for several game mode which led me to design more than 132 multiplayer skirmishes for Warno.
I am in charge of gathering, analyzing and iterating on players feedbacks. I manage international focus groups. I represented Eugen Systems and Warno during several international promotional livestreams run by Simulated Division League.
I am always seeking for new job opportunities as a level designer. Feel free to check my resume and contact me.

Below is a summary of my level design work at Eugen Systems. In it, I detail production constraints and design intention.
Every image is clickable and allows you to see final in-game level design



Warno's small maps encourage the player to focus more on gathering and managing units than grand strategy.
Death Row features high foresty hills narrowing the fighting area. This limited space smoothly introduces basic gameplay elements like cities and plateaus.
Two Ways is all about relief, lines of sight and navigation. It's an ideal map for your first ambush and flanking moves.
Mount River introduces lakes and rivers. It is focused on timing and decision making.
Triple Strike has several corridors separated by mountains. Players have to choose carefully before going in a corridor, considering their division strengths and weaknesses.



Rivers cannot be crossed in Warno unless the unit is amphibious. Bridges are de facto chokepoints. Artillery, choppers and planes have to be considered for their ability to strike fast and efficiently while remaining safe.
Rocks is a map split in two halves connected by an industrial island. It is a major objective : the team controlling the island can safely move their troop from east to west.
Dark Stream is a night, sneaky map. Players have to find ways to safely cross meanders and gather troops in the very few defensive spots. Watch out : if your seen, your already dead.



Landmarks give a lot of peronality to the maps. They are also a technical and artistical challenge.
Chemical is based on several XXth century european chemical plants. It features big explosives tanks breaking lines of sight surrounded by rivers.
Teufelsmoor features a new way of thinking in-town gameplay additionaly to stunning visuals.
Airport is based on real life Kassel airport. Destroyed building and dog fights remains are part of the narrative.
Black Forest was the most disliked map of the game due to poor navigation and badly designed defensive areas. I fixed it by adding a huge sawmill landmark in a former useless area. These adjustements made Black Forest one the most popular map in the game.


Big Maps

Warno can be played as much as 20 players in a 10vs10 situation. This amount of units requires specific design. Size matters.
Iron Waters features rivers, mountains, huge urban alleys and unique forest patterns.
Geisa is based on the homonimous real life ciy. It features numerous mountain paths as well as contested chokepoints.
Twin Cities has typical soviet era high rises introducing the new building gameplay : better cover, better vision. It also features highway splitting open fields in a deadly alley.
Loop is based upon a river confluence. Highgrounds and bridges control is essential.


Let's meet!

Please remember all things detailled upon consitute a sample of my work at Eugen Systems. I want to keep it short and simple for this site.
I would love to discuss these designs and the other unmentioned maps if you want so.
Feel free to contact me.


My Personal Work.

Please access my work by clicking the images and the projects’ name.
Play all my games on
I hope you'll find it great.

Level Designer

Game Designer


Editor - Screenwriter - Director


I also made this site and those pictures.



Graduated with a DUT and a Licence (bachelor degree) in communication and videomaking, I joined the videogame industry as a level designer by studying at Gamagora Lyon 2 University in 2020.
There, I directed a team of 15 students in the making of Snowy Path, a first person horror vertical slice which became the most downloaded game in the history of Gamagora school. I successfully graduated in 2021.
I joined Eugen Systems in may 2021 as a level designer. Since then, I worked on Steel Division 2 and Warno.
I am always seeking for new professional opportunities as a level designer. I am available for a meeting in France or remote. Feel free to contact me and check my resume below.

See my Resume.

Voir mon CV.


They trust me


+33 (0)7 86 17 19 85